How To Make Money Doing What You Love

How To Make Money Doing What You Love

I have a message for you if you want to make money doing what you love. This message is very dear to my heart. It’s about helping you create a bigger impact on the world and having a lifestyle of freedom. It can save you a lot of time and energy.

You see, I didn’t always have the fulfilling career that I have now. I spent many years of my life working too hard and getting paid too little. I always felt a passion inside of me wanting to share my message with more people, yet I didn’t have the skills or savvy to do so.

For years, I was trying to do too much by myself, and like many spiritual people, felt uncomfortable about all things business and marketing. Through my exhaustion I realized that if I was going to help people, I needed more time to do what I love, and more exposure for people to know about me.

Invest in yourself

Recently, I changed my world in a very important way by investing in myself. I invested time and money into coaching, training, business development, and my health.

If you are a healer, mother, artist, business owner, if you want to help people, you absolutely need to put yourself first.  You need to tell yourself your subconscious and the Universe that you are a worthy investment. I promise you, what you put into yourself comes back to you a thousand-fold.

Find a mentor

One of the best investments you can make in yourself is finding a mentor. You can’t do everything yourself, no matter how talented you are. Everyone needs support and guidance. Wherever you are on your journey, there is always someone ahead of you leading the way, and others trailing in your footsteps for you to guide them. The more you learn, the more you have to share.

Let others support you

Being part of community is essential for your success. Connect with other people through your root chakra. Find a tribe to connect with and nourish your root chakra. You need roots to grow and thrive.

When you’re with others who share your hopes and dreams, as well as your skills and talents, not only can you support each other as you learn together,  you have people who speak your language and understand you. If you feel isolated and alone it makes it more difficult for you to branch out and grow! Your meant to thrive!

Listen to your heart

Accept what the universe gives you to realize your dream. You must do your part. Listen to that voice inside of you. It is yearning to be expressed. That’s your intuition speaking to you – and it will always guide you toward happiness.

Never give up on yourself, on your dreams, and what you are meant to do in the world. You’re born for a reason. Your passions will always lead you to your purpose. Remember that.

Lots of love, Kari

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